
国内ChatGPT可以访问Blog,IP不给注册,国内手机号也不给注册。如果是挂了梯子,并开启了 Cloudflare CDN。不好意思也不给注册。今天有幸通过一个方法注册到了ChatGPT。并试用了,结果如下:

what are you name ?  # 这里语法错误,他也识别了。

My name is John.


To learn English well, it is recommended to use a combination of different learning methods. You can watch movies and TV shows in English, listen to English podcasts, read books and articles in English, practice speaking and writing in English, and use language learning apps. Additionally, it is important to find a good language teacher or study partner to help you stay motivated and accountable.


Printer repair typically involves replacing worn parts, checking connections, and updating the printer's firmware. Depending on the type of printer you have, the repair process may also include cleaning the printhead and replacing ink cartridges. If you are unable to diagnose and fix the problem yourself, it is recommended to contact a qualified technician to help you with the repair.


To practice scientific stock trading, it is important to develop a strategy and stick to it. You should research the stock market and familiarize yourself with different investment strategies, such as value investing, technical analysis, and momentum investing. Additionally, you should develop a risk management plan and use tools such as stop-loss orders to limit your losses. It is also important to diversify your investments and avoid taking on too much risk.


You can use Python to batch rename files by using the os module. First, you will need to import the os module and define the directory that contains the files you want to rename. Then, use the os.listdir function to get a list of the files in the directory. Iterate through the list and use the os.rename function to rename each file. Finally, print the list of renamed files to verify that the operation was successful.


这让我想起了 恋爱Flops 里的智能机器人。希望有朝一日真的能如我所愿。